Last Friday was a magical day for me.
It was the first day of March.
Now I realize this doesn’t mean the beginning of Spring, and I know there is still a shit load of snow on the ground, but March has always been one of my favorite months of the year.
You see, I hate Winter.
A lot.
Yes. Even more than you do.
I find everything about it to be barbaric and unnatural.
I guess you can’t blame me. I did grow up on the equator, and the only seasons I really knew until I was 18 were: HOT AND HUMID and HOT AND RAINY.
And the rainy season was hardly anything to complain about. Yes, we experienced torrential (and I mean TORRENTIAL) downpour every single day for what felt like months on end, but it usually passed within 30 minutes and then the sun came out, which is more than I can say about this snot-freezing, miserable thing North Americans call Winter.
Anyway, I’m losing my focus and all of this talk about Winter is making me angry again.
Where was I?
Oh yes. March. I love March. And I’m in a fabulous mood.
Kind of.
And here’s why.
1. Fresh air. Between December and March, I replace all outdoor activities with daily walks around the mall. Call me crazy, but hanging with my gal pals Kate Spade and Tiffany make for a much better morning than trying to get my toddler to stop touching every patch of yellow snow she comes across.
2. The end of flu season. I cannot tell you the elation germaphobes like myself feel when they can finally go out in public without looking over their shoulder every 2 seconds to make sure no one sneezes or, worse, coughs on them.
3. Longer days. I’m sorry, but 9 hours of daylight is not enough. Period.
4. My birthday. March 9th. Don’t you dare forget.
5. Two words: Easter candy. 
6. Barbecues. Of course, we don’t own a barbecue (we live in a condo), and no one ever invites us to enjoy theirs, but we can still smell it when people in the neighborhood throw steaks and ‘dogs on their barbies. It’s magical.
7. The shedding of winter outerwear. Very few things make me smile as much as those March days when the temperature reaches the mid- to high-60s and we’re spared the BS of winter outerwear.
8. Movement. Winter is filled with a lot of sitting (and weight gain) for me, and there’s nothing I love more than being able to go for a post-dinner walk to clear my head without fearing frost bite.
9. St. Patty’s Day. Green beer or not, you better believe I’ll be drinking.
10. Better moods. Is it just me, or is everyone in a better mood now that February has come and gone?
Of course, Spring also marks the beginning of allergy season, but since I don’t have a problem with grass or pollen, that’s The Hubs’ problem, not mine.
Ugh, the joke’s on me, right?
It’s totally my problem.