Here is How To Grow Figs

Here is How To Grow Figs

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Figs are incredibly delicious and healthy fruits, loaded with various nutrients which support our overall health.
These fruits are a staple food in numerous cuisines, and they are the favorite fruits of numerous people.
The best conditions for growing figs exist in areas rated Zone 8 or higher, as they need lots of sunlight, and warm weather, and cannot survive in cold and long winters.
Yet, some indoor dwarf varieties of the fig trees, which are often low-bearing, can withstand in a bit colder climates.
Most varieties of these plants are not dependent on the soil, but it is a fact that they grow stronger and faster in rich, lighter soils.  Figs will grow well if planted in enough soil depth (5+ feet) and drainage for floods.
The pH of 6.0-6.5 is best for figs, and salinity does not affect them. In case these fruits are to be dried, you need soil with high lime amounts.
It is best to grow them from cuttings and greenhouse germination, even though you can also use seeds.
The trees should be approximately 13 feet apart, trained to grow upright, fertilized at a 10-30-10 ratio, and if possible, shading at some part of the day is recommended when the plants are young.
To ensure a later harvest the following year, the trees are often cut back severely in the autumn and winter. You should manually notch branches to stimulate branching.
Fig trees grow with an accelerated speed and quickly provide fruits, but it is best to start tapering off in production after 12-15 years.
The fruits are hand-picked, but the sap of figs has latex which might lead to skin irritations and allergies. Therefore, makes sure you wear gloves and long sleeves to prevent such issues. Lay out the fruits in the shade for a day to dry them. The trees can bear over 360 fruits annually.
The most common issue worldwide when it comes to fig trees is the leaf rust caused by Cerotelium fici. It occurs during rainy seasons, making the leaves full of spots, and falling too early, reducing the yields.  Unfortunately, this cannot be treated, so affected trees must be destroyed.
These trees are also susceptible to nematodes, which go to their base and dig down into the roots.  Due to this, they are planted close to walls in tropical regions and are thus protected against this burrowing, while in commercial orchards, by heavy mulch.
Fig trees often face problems with stem-borers in some areas.