This post is sponsored by Welch’s® Fruit Snacks. I am being compensated for this post. All comments and opinions are my own.
Back-to-school causes me to feel many different emotions. While I’m excited to get back into a predictable routine and for all the wonderful things school offers my child, I feel like I live in a constant state of overwhelm from September to June.
The good news is that I’ve acquired some pretty awesome back-to-school survival tips for busy moms over the years, and I’m so excited to team up with Welch’s Fruit Snacks to share 6 of my favorites!
1. Get a head start. Most of us tend to let bedtime and screen time slide once summer starts, which inevitably leads to more tantrums, poor focus, and power struggles. If this sounds familiar, remember that changes in routine can temporarily worsen behavior, so aim to get back on track at least 2 weeks before school starts.
2. Get your kids involved. Whether you moved houses, your child is transitioning to middle school, or school refusal is just a normal part of your routine, getting your kids involved in back-to-school preparations can help foster feelings of excitement.
3. Prepare the night before. If you have a history of feeling rushed, flustered, and short-tempered in the mornings, take 30 minutes each evening to check homework, sign school forms, and pack lunches and backpacks.
Back-to-School Tips for Busy Moms | Whether your kids are just starting preschool or kindergarten, or are making the leap from middle school to high school, the first day of school can be STRESSFUL. We’re sharing 6 parenting tips to simplify your morning routine so you and your kids wake up feeling in control instead of anxious each day. Tip 6 is BRILLIANT for avoiding after school meltdowns! #WelchsFruitSnacks #backtoschool #backtoschooltips #morningroutine #momtips #parenting #parenting101
PRO TIP: My daughter is always STARVING at the end of the school day, which can cause her to become irritable, so I keep a box of Welch’s Fruit Snacks by our front door to ensure I always show up at school pick-up armed with a snack!
4. Wake up earlier. Waking up 30+ minutes earlier will not only help you feel more organized and less rushed, but it will also allow you to connect with your child before school drop-off.
5. Create a family calendar. One of the hardest parts about starting a new school year is keeping track of everything that comes along with it, so take the time to create – and maintain – a master calendar for every person in your family.
6. Greet your child with a snack. The best parenting advice I’ve ever received is to always bring a snack to school pick-up, as most after school meltdowns are fueled by hunger. I’ve been heeding this advice since my daughter started kindergarten, and it has been life-changing.
Back-to-School Tips for Busy Moms | Whether your kids are just starting preschool or kindergarten, or are making the leap from middle school to high school, the first day of school can be STRESSFUL. We’re sharing 6 parenting tips to simplify your morning routine so you and your kids wake up feeling in control instead of anxious each day. Tip 6 is BRILLIANT for avoiding after school meltdowns! #WelchsFruitSnacks #backtoschool #backtoschooltips #morningroutine #momtips #parenting #parenting101
Welch’s Fruit Snacks from Walmart are my go-to snack for school lunches, extracurricular activities, and everything in between (they’re gluten- and peanut-free!), and I love that the packages are small enough to fit in my purse.
Back-to-School Tips for Busy Moms | Whether your kids are just starting preschool or kindergarten, or are making the leap from middle school to high school, the first day of school can be STRESSFUL. We’re sharing 6 parenting tips to simplify your morning routine so you and your kids wake up feeling in control instead of anxious each day. Tip 6 is BRILLIANT for avoiding after school meltdowns! #WelchsFruitSnacks #backtoschool #backtoschooltips #morningroutine #momtips #parenting #parenting101
Fruit is the first ingredient in these snacks and on days I’m feeling creative, I like to use them to complement snack mixes I make using things like pretzels, popcorn, and crackers.
Back-to-School Tips for Busy Moms | Whether your kids are just starting preschool or kindergarten, or are making the leap from middle school to high school, the first day of school can be STRESSFUL. We’re sharing 6 parenting tips to simplify your morning routine so you and your kids wake up feeling in control instead of anxious each day. Tip 6 is BRILLIANT for avoiding after school meltdowns! #WelchsFruitSnacks #backtoschool #backtoschooltips #morningroutine #momtips #parenting #parenting101
Pick-up a box of Welch’s Fruit Snacks at Walmart today! Be sure to check out THIS LINK and grab a coupon before heading there!
If you found these back-to-school survival tips for busy moms helpful, please share this post on Pinterest!
Back-to-School Tips for Busy Moms | Whether your kids are just starting preschool or kindergarten, or are making the leap from middle school to high school, the first day of school can be STRESSFUL. We’re sharing 6 parenting tips to simplify your morning routine so you and your kids wake up feeling in control instead of anxious each day. Tip 6 is BRILLIANT for avoiding after school meltdowns! #WelchsFruitSnacks #backtoschool #backtoschooltips #morningroutine #momtips #parenting #parenting101
And if you’re looking for more parenting tips and tricks, please follow our Parenting board where we share all kinds of great advice we find each day!